El imperio Otomano o también llamado Imperio Turco Otomano estaba gobernado por la dinasía Osmanlí.
El imperio Otomano empezó siendo uno más de los pequeños estados Turcos que surgieron en la Asia Menor ,este imperio fué lentamente conquistando a otros estados turcos de la zona . alertaron a Europa del peligro que representaban.El imperio Otomano logro por fin , conquistar a Constantinopla , en el 1453.Con Constantinopla conquistada y los terrenos conquitados por Justiciano I,el imperio Otomano era sin duda el sucesor Islámico.Habían conquistado y poseido 29 provincias ,Moldavia,Transilvania y el nórte de Africa .Un sultán turco llamado Osmán I, lideraba el imperio Otomano.
The Ottoman Empire or Ottoman Turkish Empire also called governdo estava the Osmanli dynasty.
The Ottoman Empire began as another one of the small Turkish states that emerged in Asia Minor, the empire was slowly conquering other local Turkish states. They alerted representavan European power. Porfin Ottoman Empire managed to conquer Constantinople in 1453. With conquered Constantinople and the lands conquered by Justiciano I, THE OTTOMAN ERA Imerio NO DOUBT THE SUCCESSOR Islamic. They had conquered and possessed 29 provinces, Moldavia, Transylvania and northern Africa. A Turkish sultan called OSLAM led the Ottoman Empire.
The Ottoman Empire began as another one of the small Turkish states that emerged in Asia Minor, the empire was slowly conquering other local Turkish states. They alerted representavan European power. Porfin Ottoman Empire managed to conquer Constantinople in 1453. With conquered Constantinople and the lands conquered by Justiciano I, THE OTTOMAN ERA Imerio NO DOUBT THE SUCCESSOR Islamic. They had conquered and possessed 29 provinces, Moldavia, Transylvania and northern Africa. A Turkish sultan called OSLAM led the Ottoman Empire.
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