La expulsión de los judíos de España fue ordenada en 1492 por los Reyes Católicos mediante el Edicto de Granada con la finalidad, según el decreto, de impedir que siguieran influyendo en los cristianos nuevos para que éstos judaizaran. La decisión de expulsar a los judíos o de prohibir el judaísmo está relacionada con la instauración de la Inquisición catorce años antes en la Corona de Castilla y nueve en la Corona de Aragón, porque precisamente fue creada para perseguir a los judeoconversos que seguían practicando su antigua fe. Como ha señalado el historiador Julio Valdeón, "sin duda alguna la expulsión de los judíos del solar ibérico es uno de los temas más polémicos de cuantos han sucedido a lo largo de la historia de España". Por su parte el hispanista francés Joseph Pérez ha destacado las semejanzas que existen entre esta expulsión y la persecución de los judíos en la Hispania visigoda casi mil años antes.
The expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492 was ordered by the Catholic Monarchs by the Edict of Granada in order , according to the decree , to prevent continue to influence new Christians so that they judaizaran . The decision to expel the Jews or to ban Judaism is related to the establishment of the Inquisition fourteen years before the Crown of Castile and nine in the Crown of Aragon, precisely because it was created to pursue the conversos who continued to practice their old faith. As pointed out by the historian Julio Valdeón , " undoubtedly the expulsion of the Jews from the Iberian peninsula is one of the most controversial issues of how many have occurred throughout the history of Spain ." Meanwhile the French hispanista Joseph Perez has highlighted the similarities between the expulsion and persecution of Jews in the Visigoth Hispania almost a thousand years before.
The expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492 was ordered by the Catholic Monarchs by the Edict of Granada in order , according to the decree , to prevent continue to influence new Christians so that they judaizaran . The decision to expel the Jews, or to ban Judaism [2 ] - is related to the establishment of the Inquisition fourteen years before the Crown of Castile and nine in the Crown of Aragon, precisely because it was created to pursue the conversos who continued to practice their old faith . As pointed out by the historian Julio Valdeón , " undoubtedly the expulsion of the Jews from the Iberian peninsula is one of the most controversial issues of how many have occurred throughout the history of Spain " . [3 ] Meanwhile the French hispanista Joseph Perez has highlighted the similarities between the expulsion and persecution of Jews in the Visigoth Hispania almost a thousand years before. [4 ]
The expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492 was ordered by the Catholic Monarchs by the Edict of Granada in order , according to the decree , to prevent continue to influence new Christians so that they judaizaran . The decision to expel the Jews, or to ban Judaism [2 ] - is related to the establishment of the Inquisition fourteen years before the Crown of Castile and nine in the Crown of Aragon, precisely because it was created to pursue the conversos who continued to practice their old faith . As pointed out by the historian Julio Valdeón , " undoubtedly the expulsion of the Jews from the Iberian peninsula is one of the most controversial issues of how many have occurred throughout the history of Spain " . [3 ] Meanwhile the French hispanista Joseph Perez has highlighted the similarities between the expulsion and persecution of Jews in the Visigoth Hispania almost a thousand years before. [4 ]